
Greetings! New York RU-Dance-NY Ballroom Dance School sincerely invites you to join our 2021 Multicultural Dance Festival held on February 13th, 2021, in RUDANCENY 132-01 Roosevelt Ave 2floor, Flushing NY 11354. We will have the honor to present the United States Professional Theatrical Arts Champions, World professional smooth Champions Travis & Jaimee Tuft,performing for us in our Chinese New Year Celebration!
In Chinese culture 2021 is the year of the Ox. Just like our community, hard work, reliability, strength, and determination! This year’s event will open virtual and in person. In this special period of the epidemic, we hope that the dance will bring people positive energy, happiness, love, and hope!
NYC Multicultural Dance Festival Inc is a 501 (c) (3) organization, we support the development of the art of dancing, with a focus on Latin and Ballroom dancing, teaching, and performing for the Asian societies within New York City. The school aims to enrich the cultural art in our country, and giving dance lovers the chance to enjoy the delight that dance brings to our lives. Our school hosts 16th Chinese New Year Celebration Multicultural Dance Festival, with the goal of strengthening the cultural bonding and fostering through dancing a cultural exchange between Chinese culture and other cultures. With the support of everyone with love can reach our mission to providing our communities including our youths to enjoy the art of dance. We understand you have a very busy schedule. However, we would like to invite you to join us in this special evening celebration.
We will be greatly honored and grateful if you can join us. We wish you a Happy Chinese New Year and good health!
New York RU-Dance-NY Ballroom Dance School
We appreciate your donation, please make check payable to “NYC Multicultural Dance Festival Inc”:
_____ $30; ______ $50; ______ $100; ______ $300; _____ $500; _____ $1,000; $______ Other
Event Date: February 13th, 2021. Time: 7:00 pm - 11:30pm
Location: RUDANCENY 132-01 Roosevelt Ave 2floor, Flushing NY 11354. Flushing NY 11354.
Telephone #: 917-968-0435 or 718-358-3903
Email: rudanceny@gmail.com Web:www.nycmdf.com
新年即将到来,在这个充满喜庆色彩的节日里,身在纽约的华人们也将能感受到传统节日带给我们的温暖。春节是新的一年 中最重要的日子,也是我们中国人自己的节日,每家每户在这一天都会张灯结彩,每个人的脸上都透露着喜气洋洋的面貌,而在这新的一年中,纽约NYCMDF RUDANCENY 也将与您一同狂欢,一起迎接新的一年的到来!
由纽约RUDANCENY舞蹈艺术学校及NYCMDF精心策划的第15届华人春节文化盛宴将于2021年2月13日 这是纽约年度高质量与规模的舞蹈盛事,每年政商名流齐聚一堂。此次文化盛宴将会邀请到世界级舞蹈冠军,不仅能够让舞蹈爱好者有机会近距离欣赏当今世界最高的舞蹈水准和境界,也给纽约的华人传统佳节增添额外的热烈气氛。
与您相约2月13日 不见不散!
(718) 358-3903
JAN 19TH 2020
Phone; 917-968-0435 / 718-358-3903
Email; rudanceny@gmail.com